Business Cards Simple designs

564 Business Cards found.

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Simple Business Cards

Nowadays any business card should include such basic elements such as delicate design, various ways of printing based on high-quality materials and, of course, paper which it is made of. So now the question is going to be about the paper used for printing these nice polygraphic articles. Within this context it would be important to point out the main peculiarity in making simple business cards which lies primarily in choosing white paper only. As for its density it is always vary depending on a company/organization tastes and necessities. Thus one may prefer day-fly business accessories made of thin paper or choosing thick one. By visiting our internet catalogue you can be sure that a simple and at the same time available business card is still in stock so don’t hesitate to select your favorite one made of premium quality paper of the white color and start promoting your business in most proper way. Find ready-made patterns or make to order a card by your own and our company will take into consideration all your wishes and requirements to give what you want.  

Some Characteristics of Simple Business Cards

It’s not a secret that both density and durability of paper serves best indicator in terms of how much time it is in use and how long it can be stored. As it is being said about simple polygraphic articles then a man of affairs or an entrepreneur is recommended to purchase an accessory printed of thin paper rather than thick one. A perfect density for thin paper information carrier should amount not more than of 200 gr/m2. Such a density is enough to draw one’s attention to it being at the same time nice on the touch for many users and potential clients.

White Chalk Paper Business Cards

As a rule white chalk paper is considered one of most spread material applied for manufacturing business cards. Both text and images placed on it fall on smoothly but what about the colors of pictures and font they get bright and saturated due to the perfectly white surface of the paper. Despite the fact that such paper is of quite high density (300 g/m2 as usual) and is heavy it suits well simple data storage carriers. As to its price it is quite affordable.

Textured Paper Business Cards

Textured paper with the use of linen imitation represents a pretty classical design variant with the density that usually varies from 200 up to 300 g/m2. Due to the both horizontal and vertical stripes which tend to imitate the texture of natural linen fabric it is very agreeable to the touch but its white surface looks splendidly as well.

Why Choosing Simple Business Cards?

At last it is of paramount importance to mention that using simple business cards on the white background with the black font text on it is quite rational and justified solution for officials, lawyers, notaries and other individuals dealing with managing activity. If a businessman or an entrepreneur deals with other types of activities like trade, market, cafe, bars, pubs or restaurants, for instance,  the use of simple accessories is not relevant at all: in this case they need a more bright and gay design which would reflect their goods and services promotion by means of rich, saturated colors directed at attracting as many potential clients as possible. Choose white background business accessories to highlight certain elements a customer would like to find out more in detail.
