Framed Prints Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion Art & Photo Prints

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Product Name: Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion

Product type: Framed Prints

Prints on Plastic

Framed Art Pritns on Plastic Material |

Framed prints are images of your choosing, printed on plastic using latex inks.

Images are then installed in a frame of your choosing.

Art Prints Framed on Plastic at your choosing only at

Canvas prints stretched on a wooden frame can be of two types:

Narrow prints – 0.8 in (20mm) are printed on canvas and pressed with HDF without the canvas stretcher, after that they are framed.
Wide prints – over 1.8 in (45mm) are printed on canvas and stretched on canvas stretcher, after that they are framed. 


Canvas prints stretched on a wooden frame are images of your choosing, printed on canvas and stretched

on a wooden frame 2.5cm (1in) thick in
the frame.

Canvas prints in a wooden frame are also equipped with a hanger on the back, which is why it is necessary to have

a hook or a nail in the wall in order to hang the print.

Canvas has density of 300gs/m

Manufacture period: 1-3 days
Shipped price: Free Wordwide Shiping

Refresh your living room with wonderfully beautiful -themed “Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion” Framed Prints, from our extensive Fantasy world category. A gorgeous art print can drastically change the overall outlook of your interior, making it much more welcoming, soothing and pleasant both for you and for your guests. offers an abundance of qualitative Framed Prints Fantasy world Art & Photo Prints at affordable prices. When you purchasean art print here, you can be sure that you are getting qualitative product that will not fade in time and is easy to take care of – just dust it off with dry cloth from time to time and it will look brand new. Our art Framed Prints are manufactured with eco-friendly inks that do not cause allergies and look strikingly beautiful and vivid even with a flow of time.

Framed Prints, Canvas Prints and Panel Sets stretched on a frame, arrive ready be hanged. They have a hanger on their backside, so all you will have to do is hang them on a hook or nail.

Canvas Pints stretched on a frame, arrive ready be hanged | Canvas Prints at
How to Choose a Canvas Print for Your Room:
Canvas Print is an element of décor that unites your entire interior and serves as a centerpiece of your room, drawing the attention of house owners and guests alike. Therefore, the theme of the print must be soothing and relaxing.
Each living space calls for specific theme of canvas art. Here is a quick guide on choosing a suitable decor for your interior:
Living Room
The best themes for the living room are the dynamic cityscapes with multiple lights and moving cars, or a panel canvas set with multiple industrial themed stills.
Bedroom is the place where everyone relaxes after a stressful day at work, school and so on. Therefore, the theme of the art print should be calm. Landscapes of countryside, meadows and starry sky will suit this room the best.
Art prints depicting fresh and colorful fruits, berries, glasses of wine, or vineyards will look amazingly beautiful in the kitchen. They will prompt you to opt for a healthy lifestyle.
Cartoons and Disney characters are the most suitable themes for nurseries or children’s rooms. The fairy-tale ambiance will be emphasized with an art print of a beautiful princess of mermaid.
Generally speaking, the best spots for canvass are: above the fireplace (if you have one), above sofa, or if your dining room table is set near the wall, then above the table. The height must be around 150 cm or 5 feet, so that the art piece is on your eye level.

Free Worldwide Shipping. These types of canvas prints are thoroughly packed in a sturdy box in order to avoid any damage during shipping.

Stretched Prints Shipping |
Shipping time depends on the destination country, and can be seen during checkout. For instance, shipping time for European countries is 5-10 days.

Free shipping

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Cutting-edge Latex printing technology ensures the highest quality, water- and scratch-resistance of the prints, as well as their vividness and brightness. European-quality eco-friendly printing materials prevent our prints from fading with time even under direct sunlight.

Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion

Lions are the noblest animals in the world. They have power which doesn’t possess the other. They are kings of the animals. On the “Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion” art print is represented the main lion of the pride. He stays in the middle of the fight. In front of him are rocks and any ruins of the people’s army. The lion is magic, he has two heads, one of them is a lion’s head, the second one is the head of a dragon. The dragon’s head emits fire in the army. He looks very dangerous and nobody wants to fight with him. In the background, we can not see anything, because all is in a fume of fire.

The “Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion” fantasy lion art print is made in dark colors as black, blue, grey, violet and orange. Black is a color of many deaths of creatures who meet this monster. Blue is a color of life, which attracts attention. Grey is a color of fear which you feel looking on the lion. Violet is a color of the mystery of the two-headed lion. And orange is a color of the energy, which can charge you. This combination of colors can suit in:

  • the child’s room. Children love mysteries and it will regale their eyes in the room

  • the living room. The place where people get together should be with the design which will prefer all of the members of the family. Such art print can diversify your walls

The “Battles Monsters Fire Fantasy Lion” is a fantasy lion art print which can bring the interest of the mysteries in your flat.
