Dark-Haired Girls Art & Photo Prints Square shape

4 Art & Photo Prints found.

Dark-Haired Girls

Everything new is a well-forgotten old. Retro style and curiosities from the twentieth century are densely returning to our lives - bars, restaurants, shops, service stations and other institutions are stylized under a certain era and increasingly they can be found elements of the American style of the 30s, such as art prints, gangsters photos, gramophones and records. The decoration of the premises in this way is a matter of taste, but more often than not, creative people with a constant sense of humor resort to this option. Kinky dark haired girls girls on bright art prints seem to beckon guests - where did the term "dark haired girls pin-up" come from?

A bit of history

Most believe that the dark haired girls pin-up style appeared during the 30-40's, because the plots of the most popular art prints illustrate it. But, nevertheless, this phenomenon of art is slightly larger - the first art print appeared in 1895 from the pen of the popular American artist Charles Dan Gibson, after which the image of the ideal woman was given the name "Gibson's dark haired girls girl". If you look closely, this performance has little to do with a playful and seductive person, rather, on the contrary, a chaste and modestly dressed lady looked at the picture, with notes of a strong-willed character and frank superiority over the male sex.

More habitual daring pictures with seductive beauties were placed in the so-called yellow press, which at that time did not disdain the eroticism and notes of pornography. From the pages of magazines and newspapers to an inexperienced reader gazefully looked beautiful dark haired girls girls with bare shoulders, supposedly accidentally risen and already short skirts in sexual poses. Such dark haired girls pin-up art prints, after reading the press, hung houses on walls, bars and snack bars in order to please single men and not only them.

Art prints in the modern interior

Today, blonde, redhead, dark haired and even nude girls pin-up style is confidently returning to fashion everywhere. But this phenomenon, fortunately, does not have a mass character, it periodically pops up on fashion shows, in make-up trends or in meeting interior design with advanced designers. Images of this style can be decorated with walls and ceilings, forming an integral and voluminous picture. It's interesting to look at art prints in art-establishments, such as restaurants, bars and clubs with a slant in retro style. Yes, and the room of an ambitious young dark haired girls girl will only be brighter and more original, if from the walls of the guest will playfully look seductive models.

Each corner of the house can be supplemented by a thematic drawing that will surely bring a smile to your guests and each time will cheer you up. We tried to collect the most original and humorous art prints in the style of dark haired girls pin-up, so that you could decorate your home or make an original gift to your friends.
