Flags Art & Photo Prints Square shape

265 Art & Photo Prints found.

Flags Art Prints

People have created flags in various forms thousands of years ago. Initially they represented tribes, after that nations and countries. The oldest modern flag of the country that is currently used is Danish, known as “Dannebrog”. Flags have immense significance for the citizens of the countries they represent. It is a sign of patriotism to wear the flag of your country in some form on your clothes or have some kind of flag-themed tokens in your car or workplace. However, flags have the most significance during sports events or wartime. Allies can distinguish aircrafts or tanks of friendly countries and not shoot them down, aiming together at enemy. During sports events, fans wear every attribute possible with the flag of their country to support their favorite teams. Sometimes, people who move to another country because of certain circumstances keep the flag of their motherland in their new home to remember where they come from and keep up with the traditions of their birthplace. Below is the short description of living spaces, where flag decorations, such as art prints are appropriate.

Best Living Spaces to Install Flag Art Prints in


Bedroom interiors decorated by cloth flags or flags art prints usually belong to devoted fans of certain sports team of club. For instance, Arsenal. People, installing flag art prints in their bedroom wish everyone to know where their allegiances are. Apart from that, flags of the favorite team can actually lift spirits, bring hope and good mood, desire to live another day and see your favorite team win. Therefore, if you are a fan yourself or have a friend, who is a hard-core fan of a sports club a present in the form of a flag art print will be quite a good one and will definitely score you some serious friendship points.

Sports Bars

It is a well-known fact, that for sports bars flags art prints or posters are a must. As a rule, people come to sports bars during major sporting events, such as European championship or FIFA World Cup. Naturally, local bars display flags of their own country, but sometimes, also the flags of the competing countries. Given the fact that fans are a rather unbridled crowd, there is no wonder that the cloth flags will get dirty, torn, or damaged in other way. Therefore, art prints of flags that are water and scratch resistant are the most appropriate form of flag decorations for these public establishments.

Man Caves

Another successful usage of flags art prints can be seen in man caves, where the owners decorate their favorite place in the houses with flags art prints of their favorite teams, countries, towns or counties. Men perceive wins and losses in sports events much more acutely than women do, which is why they take pride in rooting for the team with their friends during sports events, sitting comfortably in their sofas with friends and cooled beer, in place decorated appropriately to raise the team spirit and mood in general.

Benefits of Flags Art Prints

Print-Services.com offers a rich selection of gorgeous and vivid flag art prints for any taste and of any style. Our art prints are manufactured using cutting-edge latex printing technology that allows our art prints to be water and scratch-resistant, as well as to remain as vivid and colorful as during the first day you have installed them. They require very little maintenance and occasional dust off with dry or moist cloth is enough. We work with eco-friendly European-quality printing materials, which are hypoallergenic and not cause allergies, being completely safe for you and your family members. We offer swift shipping worldwide and polite customer support, ready to answer all of your inquiries and help you 24/7. Don’t miss your chance to get the art print of your dreams to decorate your room the way you want!
