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Retro style is collective term, embracing a trend in multiple spheres, such as fashion, interior design, music. It is associated with objects, technology, trends, melodies and fashion from past, cars, aircafts, motorcycles at least 20 years old. Vintage style had been popular up to 1960’s and people where decoration their houses with antiquities. Great amount of antique things in interior décor was regarded like wealth sign. Remnants of that trend can be found even in modern day décor, because some people wish to have vintage elements in their interior design, if not entire antique ambiance their apartment. Of course, prevailing majority would find gilded candleholders and plushy drapes with golden tassels bit tacky and kitschy, nevertheless, for some people, they remain a wealth representation & past centuries’ history ultimate admiration.

Retro Cars

Among most popular vintage objects are certainly cars. While other old-fashioned items may lose their appeal over time and become unwanted & discarded, vintage cars only grow demand. Very much like wine, cars seem to be priced more and more, especially if car was among limited edition automobiles, released by well-known manufacturer some 50 or 60 years ago. Cars like this can fetch unimaginably big sums at auctions. However, cars are not only dated items, whose price only grows with time.

Retro Jewelry

Many people find old-fashioned jewelry tacky or overly pompous, nevertheless there are those, who appreciate grandeur or certain jewelry pieces. Especially, if they are made precious metals, such as gold, silver, contain precious stones like diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, so on. Such necklaces, rings, earrings & bracelets can fetch millions dollars when sold at such auctions like Sotheby’s. However currently, old-fashioned jewelry can be worn only on very few occasions, like grand theater premier or some evening at a very classy house.

Retro Style in Fashion

As surprising as it may sound, fashion is one of few industries that almost constantly sees use of old-fashioned style. Period chic is a common trend that implies wearing items with historical patterns or cutout. Obviously vintage elements can be more frequently observed in women clothing, nevertheless, men can also enjoy elements of period style, such clothing items like ties or cuff links.

Retro Art Prints offers a wide selection of magnificent retro art print that will add class that retro charm to your bedroom interior design. We offer high quality prints and quick delivery, as well as lowest prices on market. uses only eco-friendly printing materials that do not cause allergies.
