Castles and fortresses Art & Photo Prints

94 Art & Photo Prints found.

Castles and Fortresses

Majestic, reliable & mysterious – these are usually the first descriptions that pop into one’s mind, when conversation changes to topic of bastions and fortresses. It’s no wonder, considering rich history & their protective purpose during medieval times. Back in day, fortresses were settlements’ only hope for survival. They were usually build out of thick stones, clay and made at least several feet deep, so that they can withstand serious attacks, just like fortified towers. Certainly, fortresses in small town or around little villages were less reliable, as people did not have much time or funds to spend on protective walls, but big cities were capable of constructing truly remarkable architectural wonders.Castles Art for Bedrooms Illustrations | Decor for Home

Most Famous Castles and Fortresses

Neuschwanstein Castle

This castle is among most picturesque man made creations of all times. Perched at the top of hill, it looks down to an ocean of greenery and can be seen from far away places.  Neuschwanstein was built in 1886 and nowadays is one of the main attractions of Bavaria region in Germany. Initially it was intended as place of hiding for very reclusive king, however after his death citadel immediately became open to public, willing to pay fee to visit it.

Chittor Fort

World Heritage Site and remarkable construction, this fort situates in Inia. Chittor is among most ancient forts worldwide; therefore, it must not come as a surprise that it frequently changed hands. Throughout its history, Chittor withstood multiple attacks, but surprisingly preserved in rather good shape until this day. Currently, this fortress is visited by multiple tourists, coming from all over the world just to have a glimpse of its grandeur & sheer size.

Bran Castle

Although its official name is Bran, this stronghold is much better known as Dracula Castle, place of residence of count Dracula – bloodthirsty tyrant, whom many people considered to be a vampire. Citadel was build in 14-15th centuries and served as a reliable defense against Ottoman empire. In beginning of 20th century Bran became official residence of Romanian kingdom, namely queen Maria, who performed extensive renovations.

Castles and Fortresses Art prints offers wide row of amazingly gorgeous castles and fortresses art prints, which can become true gem of your bedroom interior. We work only with eco-solvent inks and high quality printing materials, as well as provide quick delivery, most affordable prices on market.
