Skyscrapers Art & Photo Prints

260 Art & Photo Prints found.


Grandeur and extravagance of skyscrapers cannot be compared to any other type of manmade human dwellings. Hundred years ago, buildings of such high were unfathomable, but now they rise hundreds of meters, piercing sky & clouds. Perhaps every person would want to reach skyscraper’s peak, look down, perceiving world from bird-view. Some even bungee jump from such heights, seeking thrill and adrenalin buzz. However, building such architectural masterpieces, just like castles, cathedrals and towers, is not an easy task, sometimes requiring many years and billions in funding. Let’s review most famous & well-known skyscrapers around globe.Empire State Building Art | Skyscrapers Art Print -

Most Famous Skyscrapers

Empire State Building

Empire State Building is among oldest & finest construction of this type. It opened its doors in 1930 and instantly became a landmark, adored and revered by many. It has 102 floors and impressive height, although new skyscrapers, built by the end of 20th century and beginning of 21st are certainly much higher. Building is open for tourists and offers multiple viewing platforms. New York guests love view, which opens from its peak & consider visiting it a must.

Burj Khalifa

Some people call Dubai a modern wonder, as this city located in desert seems like an oasis, with lush vegetation, AC units & most expensive items worldwide. No wonder that skyscraper of such grandeur will appear there. Burj Khalifa boasts 163 floors and was opened in 2004. The construction costs amounted to 1.5 billion dollars, which is an extremely impressive amount of funding. It is private building, bedazzled with commodities and luxurious items.

One World Trade Center

After 9/11 tragedy One World Trade Center rose from ashes of World Trade Center complex like a phoenix, symbolizing freedom, perseverance, uncrushable will of American people.  This beautiful building was opened in 2014 & since then became popular destination for tourists and New York’s guests. It’s not overly high – just 104 floors, but is truly beautiful with modern, high-tech touch to it.

Skyscrapers Art Prints offers widest selection of beautiful skyscrapers’ art prints that can become a true gem in your home or office décor. We work only with high-quality eco-solvent printing materials that do not cause allergies, which is very convenient for those, prone to them. We guarantee swift & secure delivery, lowest prices on market & exceptional quality of prints.
