Blond Girls Art & Photo Prints

363 Art & Photo Prints found.

The image of a beautiful girl, half-naked, playful, elegant and sexy. Fine art, called pin-up. Reproductions of pictures in the style of pin-up in our online store in front of you. Choose, order and buy blonde girls pin-up art prints and learn all about the features of this style.

Pin-up art prints without borders

The word "pin-up" means a poster that is pinned to the wall. Motherland of pin-up art prints - America. As the term refers to the style of American graphics of the twentieth century with the image of a beautiful, often semi-naked blonde, dark-haired, or redhead girl.

Pin-up art prints were widely distributed in the second half of the twentieth century in America, these are bright jocular frivolous images of beautiful blonde girls considered to be the standards of beauty of that time.

The models of pin-up art prints were mannequins, celebrities, who later became sex symbols of the era. So, as a pin-up model, ideally an attractive woman should look respectively. Famous models of a pin-up woman were Ava Gardner, Brigitte Bardot, Betty Page. How were the pin-up pictures created? Most often, the image was painted by the artists from the photos.

Famous artists pin-up

Gil Evgren is an American illustrator, the heroines of the pin-up art prints of whom are not the famous mannequins, but the neighbor blonde girls, the author depicts the models in playful spicy situations, as if caught unaware. For example, the wind blew a skirt or the dress caught on fence;

Charles Dana Gibson - American illustrator artist, the creator of "Gibson's blonde girl" - the ideal of feminine beauty of the twentieth century;

George Petty is an American illustrator, his paintings with semi-naked playful blonde girls became very popular among American soldiers of the Second World War, images of beauties found their place on US bombers.

Over time, men models apperaed on pin-up art prints. American photographer Rion Sabean created a series of pin-up images with male models imprinted with wide-open eyes in sexual positions.

Modern pin-up art prints according to your individual order

Modern pin-up images are photos processed in Photoshop.

Agree, what kind of blonde girl does not want to have her playful pin-up portrait art prints in the style of America of the 1930s: expressive arrows in front of her eyes, scarlet lips, lush skirts. This is a masterpiece whose beauty is your favorite.

In our online picture production shop, we will produce art prints and murals for your living room or bedroom qualitatively and quickly.
