Beaches Art & Photo Prints

1493 Art & Photo Prints found.


When we think about a perfect spot for relaxation, mediation, first thing that comes into our minds is certainly beautiful, secluded marine coast, somewhere on island, where nobody can disturb our privacy & bliss. Unfortunately, majority seashores around planet are not secluded, moreover it’s hard find secluded spot even on private shore. It’s main reason why many who can actually afford renting small islands for several days, exploring the wilderness spend considerable cash to enjoy privacy & nature beauty on Earth’s most beautiful coastlines, completely undisturbed. But did you know that there are unusual coasts that don’t match our perception of little heaven pieces on Earth, which are still considered beaches. Moreover, these coastlines’ beauty, unusualness so great that some people would prefer them instead crowded sunny seaside.

Beach Sea Landscape view | Print-Services.comPunaluu Black Sand Beach

This seashore situates in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Permanent, intensive volcanic activity is reason why sand’s color is black. It’s among most well-known Hawaii seashores. Punaluu constitutes habitat for endangered animal species, found only here: Hawaiian Green Sea, large honu. Touching them is forbidden, but one will find multitude tractions within city Naalehu, where this coastline is located. Black sand looks especially impressive due to contrast with bright green coconut palm trees and beautiful seashells, lining the shore.

Papakōlea Beach

There exist only four green-sanded coastlines worldwide, Papakōlea is most famous. Sand’s green color comes from mineral called olivine that constantly erodes from scoria cone that collapsed. This seashore also situated Hawaii. Getting here isn’t easy as one will have to go through rough terrain, some climbing also required. Hawaiian authorities are now building vertical contraptions for facilitating the decent.

Red Beach

This beach is located in China’s Dawa County. Unlike previous beaches, which were described above, red color here is caused by plant Suaeda salsa. It’s largest wetland in the world. This plant is among few, able to survive in highly alkaline soil. This area has a very complicated ecosystem and is strictly protected.

Beaches Art Prints offers great selection of gorgeous beaches, icebergs, piers art prints for your living room decor. We work only with qualitative eco-friendly materials and provide a wide row of services, including framing the art print and choosing the best passe-partout for it. We guarantee lowest prices on the market and quickest delivery!
