Staircases Art & Photo Prints

18 Art & Photo Prints found.


Beautiful spacious house is an architectural feat and a dream of every person, especialy if decrated with intricate architectural details, alas not many of us can actually afford buying such house, let alone decorating it properly. But that’s what mortgages are for. Almost every several-storied house is bound to have at least one staircase, which is usually the house centerpiece. Decorated and intricate, it can be а various shapes and types, however we will discuss not the steps types, but the materials they are made. Innovations in home design industry now allow building elements from glass and plastic, metal, wood and other quite unusual materials mixtures.

Stairs Art for Home | Art Illustrations  for Bedroom

Materials used for staircases


Wooden staircases are the classic ones. They were the first ones to appear when man hasn’t mastered metal to the extent of creating steps out of it, let alone concrete. Carved wooden steps took an immense amount work and craftsmen, capable carving them were highly valued in all palaces and wealthy estates in Europe & worldwide. Wood is excellent materials for working, as it allows carving any details, even most complicated ones. There exist various wood types, naturally for staircases most solid ones are used. Wood emits pleasant smell, works splendid with other materials, such as metal, glass.


Majority considers that metal steps are quite heavy & put a strain on entire construction, where they’re installed. However, most cases this is not true, as metal used for building such steps is quite lightweight, comparing to heavy beams used for outside installations. Metal steps are sturdy, reliable, they do not frail or get rusty, moreover, they look positively stunning, especially geometrical ones.


It’s fair to say that glass stairs are absolutely gorgeous, can become true gem. Modern interior designs try to include these staircases as they provide that floating feeling, make living room interior more spacious. However not all transparent stairs are made of glass, some are perfect combination of carbon fiber, plastic & glass. These staircases inevitably attract attention of guests & create high-tech atmosphere within house.

Stairs Art Prints provides amazing stairs art prints selection. Modern, cutting-edge outlook gives feeling of freshness, novelty & good taste. We work only with high-quality printing products, eco-solvent inks, which do not cause allergies. We offer lowest prices on the market and fast delivery.   
