Mills Art & Photo Prints

15 Art & Photo Prints found.


Prosperous land symbol, romantic countryside scenery token mills has been featured in great amount of tales, paintings and other artistic architectural-themed masterpieces. Most well-known mills mention can probably be found in Don Quixote, because it was them he was fighting together with his best friend & servant Sancho Panza. However, mills have also been integral part of farms & estates, as they provided means of producing flour. Thousands mills can be found even nowadays in countryside all over globe. Nevertheless, there exist various types of them:Mill's Landscape Art for Bedroom | Art at

Water Powered

Waterpower was used in mills, where farms had access to rivers or streams. Depending on the intensity of flow, mills could produce huge amounts of flour. During Middle Ages period, they were most popular type, as they did not require any human or animal efforts, except for occasional maintenance. One could see them around farm houses in many countries.

Horse Powered

These constructions were extremely popular around the world, especially in those regions, where water sources were scares. Horses or mules were hitched up and tied to a sand stone and by going in circles, they forced sandstone to spin, grinding grain. Horse powered construction had disadvantage of depending on animals, so if owner’s animal became sick or old and he had no replacement, work was stalled, until the replacement could be found.

Human Powered

In places where flowing waters were sparse and owners where too poor to keep large animal, capable of spinning sandstone, humans replaced them, turning sand stones by hand. Small sand stones, where widespread in very small households, where farmers only cultivated grains, such as wheat, didn’t keep any animals. Human power was also used in slave households, where slaves were used for replacing horse power.

Wind Powered

Wind powered constructions were most popular in households and farms, situated in open locations, where gushing winds provided enough power to spin sandstones. Windmills where described in Don Quixote adventures.

Mills Art Prints offers wide mills art prints selection that can add romantic touch to your living room interior. We offer most affordable prices on market, as well as quickest delivery. We work only with eco-friendly printing materials that do not cause allergies. High quality and satisfaction of our clients are our outmost priority.
